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female with right shoulder pain

30 year old female presenting with right shoulder pain

female with right shoulder pain


Plain radiograph (a), axial PDFS (b), Sagittal PDFS (c), coronal T2 (d), coronal PDFS (e) and coronal T1 (f) MRI images of right shoulder reveal a small 4 mm low signal intensity focus along the bursal surface of posterior fibers of supraspinatus tendon corresponding to calcific focus on radiograph with minimal effusion in subacromial subdeltoid bursa.


Supraspinatus calcific tendinitis


Calcific tendinitis is caused by the pathologic deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite crystals in tendons and is a common cause of joint pain. The disease typically affects the shoulder and hip, with characteristic imaging findings; however, any joint can be involved. Occasionally, calcific tendinitis can mimic aggressive disorders, such as infection and neoplasm, especially on magnetic resonance imaging. Radiologists should be familiar with the imaging findings to distinguish calcific tendinitis from more aggressive processes. Image-guided percutaneous needle aspiration and steroid injection of calcific tendinitis are useful techniques performed by the radiologist for the treatment of symptomatic cases.

Further reads

Siegal, D. S., Wu, J. S., Newman, J. S., Del Cura, J. L., & Hochman, M. G. (2009). Calcific tendinitis: a pictorial review. Canadian Association of Radiologists journal = Journal l’Association canadienne des radiologistes, 60(5), 263–272.

Case Courtesy

Case Courtesy

Dr KV Prasad Reddy
Director, Vistarad.

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