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female presenting with right knee pain & swelling

64 year old female presenting with right knee pain & swelling

female presenting with right knee pain & swelling
female presenting with right knee pain & swelling


Sagittal & axial CT images, sagittal, axial & coronal T1, T2, PDFS MRI images of knee joint reveals abnormal frond like soft tissue showing fat signal intensity and attenuation predominantly filling the suprapatellar pouch with mild knee joint synovitis and associated osteoarthritis of knee joint.


Lipoma arborescens


Lipoma arborescens is a non-neoplastic benign villous proliferation of synovium with replacement of the subsynovial connective tissue by mature fat cells. It is thought to be a nonspecific reactive response to chronic synovial irritation, whether from mechanical or inflammatory insults. Lipoma arborescens is nearly always associated with underlying degenerative joint disease, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, or prior trauma. An effusion is typically present, and can be produced by the lesion or from the underlying arthritis. Management includes synovectomy when indicated and treatment for underlying joint disorder.

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Case Courtesy

Case Courtesy

Dr KV Prasad Reddy
Director, Vistarad.

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