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left flank pain

A 17 year old male presenting with left flank pain 

left flank pain
left flank pain


Axial, coronal, sagittal reformatted and volume rendered CT images of abdomen reveal renal parenchymal defect extending from cortex to renal sinus at the junction of upper and interpolar regions of left kidney.


Junctional parenchymal defect of kidney


Junctional parenchymal defect or interrenicular septum is caused by perirenal fat along a line of incomplete fusion of two primary renal lobes. It is a normal variant, which results from the incomplete embryonic fusion of renunculi. It can be seen as a triangular echogenic cortical defect on ultrasound. It appears as cortical defect on CT with the fat in the region of defect  continuous with the perinephric and renal sinus fat. It can be differentiated from angiomyolipoma on ultrasound based on characteristic location of junctional parenchymal defect at the junction of upper and interpolar regions of kidney.

Further reads

Currarino, G., & Lowichik, A. (1997). The Oddono’s sulcus and its relation to the renal “junctional parenchymal defect” and the “interrenicular septum”. Pediatric radiology, 27(1), 6–10.

Case Courtesy

Case Courtesy

Dr KV Prasad Reddy
Director, Vistarad.

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